Helpful Things

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heh Heh

Tonight, Syd is working late. She'll not be home until 5 AM, and then her vacation starts. It is 10:26 PM. I have seven hours to

a). clean the house up for the holiday, in case of people.
b). organize the art desk.

The art desk is a smorgasbord of art and arts-and-crafts supplies. Syd, l'artiste, has art supplies up to her bloomers. I just have a bunch of junk which has been waiting for me to hot glue it to something it has never been hot glued to before.

Which makes this a perfect time to test out some of those Christmas crafts I've been storing in the Der Blog file. Oh yes, believe it: I want to be your craft tester. I shall put myself through the ropes of the loathsome magazine Christmas trees, the modular envelope, the six-pointed Holy Grail of paper snowflakes. And trust me when I say, I shall do my best to find the laziest way of doing each of them.

But first a phase of obsessive cleaning and organizing. No crafter can create without having perfectly organized everything first, and procrastinated at least three hours away in the process.

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